plots magnetic structure



hFigure = swplot.plotmag(Name,Value)


swplot.plotmag(Name,Value) plots the magnetic structure stored in a spinw object onto an swplot figure. The magnetic structure is represented by arrows on the magnetic atoms.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

String that defines the way the magnetic moments are plotted:
  • 'all' Plot both the rotation plane of single-k incommensurate magnetic structures and the moment directions.
  • 'circle' Plot only the rotation plane of incommensurate magnetic structures.
  • 'arrow' Plots only the moment directions.
Whether to plot labels for magnetic atoms, default value is true.
Distance between atom and its text label, default value is 0.1 Å.
Font size of the text labels in pt, default value is stored in swpref.getpref('fontsize').
Color of the magnetic moment vectors, one of the following values:
  • 'auto' all moments get the color of the magnetic atom,
  • 'colorname' all moments will have the same color defined by the string, e.g. 'red',
  • [R G B] all moments will have the same color defined by the RGB code.
Scaling factor for the lenght of the magnetic moments relative to the length of the shortest bond (if there are no bonds, 3 Å is taken as bond length). Default value is 0.4.
If true, all moment length will be normalized to the scale factor, default value is false.
Radius value of arrow body, default value is 0.06 Å.
Angle of the arrow head in degree units, default value is 30 °.
Length of the arrow head, default value is 0.5 Å.
Transparency (alpha value) of the circle, representing the rotation plane of the moments, default value is 0.07.

General paraters

These parameters have the same effect on any of the swplot.plot... functions.

spinw object.
Unit in which the plotting range is defined. It can be one of the following strings:
  • 'lu' plot range is defined in lattice units (default),
  • 'xyz' plot range is defined in the Cartesian coordinate system in Å units.
Defines the plotting range. Depending on the unit parameter, the given range can be in lattice units or in units of the Cartesian coordinate system. It is either a matrix with dimensions of where the first and second columns define the lower and upper plot limits respectively. It can be alternatively a vector with three elements [a,b,c] which is equivalent to [0 a;0 b;0 c]. Default value is [0 1;0 1;0 1] to show a single cell.
Handle of the swplot figure. Default value is the active figure handle.
Whether to show the plot on the legend, default value is true.
If true, the tooltips will be shown when clicking on the plot objects. Default value is true.
Column vector with 3 elements, all object positions will be shifted by the given value in Å units. Default value is [0;0;0].
If true the plot will replace the previous plot of the same type. Default value is true.
If true, the plot will be centered, independent of the range. Default value is false.
If true, the swplot figure will be zoomed to make the plot objects cover the full figure. Default is true.
If true, a clone of the spinw object will be saved in the swplot figure data which can be retwrived using swplot.getdata('obj'). If false, the handle of the original spinw object is saved which is linked to the input obj and so it changes when obj is changed. Default value is false.
Mesh of the ellipse surface, a triangulation class object or an integer that used to generate an icosahedron mesh with number of additional subdivision into triangles. Default value is stored in swpref.getpref('nmesh'), see also swplot.icomesh.
Number of vertices on any patch object that is not the icosahedron, default value is stored in swpref.getpref('npatch').

Output Arguments

Handle of the swplot figure.

The name of the objects are 'mag'. To find the handles and the corresponding data on these objects, use e.g. sObject = swplot.findobj(hFigure,’name’,’mag’)`.