creates 3D line patch


hLine = swplot.line(rStart, rEnd)

hLine = swplot.line(r,[])

hLine = swplot.line(rStart, rEnd, lineStyle, lineWidth, multiPatch)


hLine = swplot.line(rStart, rEnd) creates disconnected line segments between multiple rStart(:,i) rEnd(:,i) pairs of 3D coordinates. The lines are shown as patch faces.

hLine = swplot.line(r,[]) creates connected line segments between the consicutive points r(:,i).

hPatch = swplot.line(handle, ...) adds the generated patch object to a given axis if handle is an axis handle or adds the lines to an existing patch object, if the given handle points to a patch object.

Input Arguments

Handle of an axis or triangulated patch object. In case of patch object, the constructed faces will be added to the existing object.
Coordinate(s) of the starting point, either a 3 element vector or a matrix with dimensions of $$[3\times n_{lineSegment}] to plot multiple line segments.
Coordinate(s) of the end point, either a 3 element vector or a matrix with dimensions of to plot multiple line segments.
Matrix with dimensions of . The function will plot number of disconnected curves. The th curve will follow the x=r(1,i,:), y=r(2,i,:), z=r(3,i,:) (parameteric) segmented curve.
Line style, default value is '-' for continuous line. Any other Matlab line style string is accepted: '--'|':'|'-.'|'none'.
Line width in pt, default value is 0.5.
If true, a separate patch object will be created per line segment. Default is false, a single patch object will store all line segments.

See Also
